Arash Moussavian Entertainment Law

If you have been convicted crime and served time in state prison, the underlying conviction cannot be expunged.  However, I am able to petition the court under Penal Code 4852.01 for a certificate of rehabilitation.  This is a strong official endorsement from the court showing your criminal history is behind you and you are a valued productive society member.

Although a certificate of rehabilitation will not expunge your underlying conviction, it does show potential employers, family, and friends you are a changed person who has taken the necessary steps to put your criminal history behind you.  A successful petition for a certificate of rehabilitation also creates an automatic application to and recommendation from the county court for an official pardon from the Governor.  I have helped many clients successfully obtain a Governor’s Pardon.

I specialize in record clearance laws and have handled many certificate of rehabilitation cases. My expertise and knowledge will optimize your chance of successfully obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation.


Unique Tailored Approach

No two cases are exactly the same.  It is important that the attorney you hire spends the time to understand the unique details of your situation.  I will focus on the unique facts of your case allowing me to craft the strongest arguments for the court.  This unique, tailored approach gives you the best chance of a successful outcome.


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their early termination of probation service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your certificate of rehabilitation will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Certificate of Rehabilitation Summary

If you served any time in state prison for a past conviction, a certificate of rehabilitation is a great way to demonstrate you have officially put the past behind you and that the court officially deems you a valuable productive society member.  Although you cannot expunge your underlying conviction, a Penal Code 4852.01 petition does allow relief in the form of a certificate of rehabilitation, which will make you a much more marketable employment candidate in competitive job market.  Further, obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation is a necessary step in obtaining a Governor’s Pardon.  I will use my expertise to guide you through this complex legal process.


You must meet the requirements below to make you eligible for a certificate of rehabilitation:

     1. Your sentence required you to serve time in state prison, you served your time, and you are no longer on probation or parole.

     2. You have not served any time in jail or state prison since your original release.

     3. You must have lived in California for the last five years.

     4. At least seven years must have passed since your original release date.

     5. You have been a productive member of society living a clean and sober life post-release.


Although a certificate of rehabilitation will not erase your conviction, it is a positive addition to your permanent record and impressive to prospective employers.  The average certificate of rehabilitation case takes two-six months and depends on how backed up the court is at the time I file the petition.  I specialize in certificate of rehabilitation cases and pride myself on applying my expertise to the unique facts of your case. 


Certificate of Rehabilitation Benefits

Among the numerous benefits to a certificate of rehabilitation are those below:

     1. It is illegal for an employer to consider a criminal case where the court has granted a certificate of rehabilitation thereby greatly increasing your employment opportunities because  your case will be removed from employment background checks.

     2. Sends a strong and positive message to potential employers and society that you have taken the necessary steps to put the past behind you and are now a valued positive society member.

     3. Increases your marketability in a competitive job market.

     4. Many state licensing agencies require a certificate of rehabilitation to apply for licensure, and they cannot discriminate against you based on your felony conviction once you have obtained a certificate of rehabilitation.

     5. Creates automatic application for a pardon from the Governor.

     6. You will demonstrate to your family and friends that you are serious about your future and determined to put the past behind you.


Why An Experienced Attorney Is Essential

Petitioning the court for a certificate of rehabilitation is a complex process and should be handled by an experienced knowledgeable attorney.  It is important that an attorney analyze your unique facts to ensure your situation is in fact eligible for a certificate of rehabilitation under Penal Code 4852.01.  Once eligibility is confirmed a thorough, concise petition must be filed with the appropriate court and all appropriate parties must be given timely notice.  The judge will then schedule a hearing date during which evidentiary support must be provided demonstrating your full rehabilitation and status as a productive society member.  Having an experienced attorney who will prepare the petition, attend the hearing, and argue on your behalf is essential to your success.  Further, it is important that you build the strongest possible case to increase your chances of obtaining a Governor’s Pardon.

I specialize in record clearance laws and have handled many certificate of rehabilitation cases. My specialized knowledge enables me to not only provide top-notch expert certificate of rehabilitation service, but also to provide this service at the lowest price anywhere.  I guarantee my price is the lowest.  I provide receive the services of a knowledgeable attorney at a price you can afford, including the services below:

     1. Analyzing your unique case details.

     2. Providing expert legal advice.

     3. Conduct necessary legal research.

     4. Providing an accurate assessment of your chances of success.

     5. Preparing supporting evidence.

     6. Preparing the petition.

     7. Filing the petition with the court.

     8. Serving the petition on the district attorney and probation department.

     9. Paying all court costs.

     10. Paying all filling fees.

     11. Scheduling the hearing.

     12. Responding to any district attorney opposition.

     13. Attend court hearings on your behalf.

     14. Arguing your case at court hearings.

     15. Obtain a signed court order.

     16. Updating the criminal databases.

     17. Re-filing (if necessary).

     18. Case status updates to you.